29 nov. 2010

TOPCASED Days, Program Available !

The program of TOPCASED Days is now available at this address :

The description of TOPCASED Days from Patrick FARAIL:
"TOPCASED (Toolkit in OPen-source for Critical Application and SystEms Development) is a modular, open-source, Eclipse-based software environment providing methods and tools for critical embedded systems development, ranging from system and architecture specifications to software and hardware implementation through equipment definition. TOPCASED promotes model-driven engineering and formal methods as key technologies. Find out more at www.topcased.org.

Share your experiences of the TOPCASED environment at the three-day TOPCASED Days conference, which is open to industry and research communities and is aimed at users of all levels including newcomers.
TOPCASED Days provides an opportunity to exchange views with other users, present your work, and learn more about TOPCASED capabilities. conference, which is open to industry and research communities and is aimed at users of all levels including newcomers.
  • Are you working in industry, using TOPCASED in pilot or commercial projects? Present a case-study of how it is used.
  • Are you creating development, training, support, packaging, or maintenance services around TOPCASED? Tell us about it, and hear how similar services are used.
  • Are you a teacher or researcher developing new technologies around TOPCASED? Share your successes and ideas.
  • Do you have ideas for enhancing TOPCASED? Discuss your ideas with future partners and collaborators.
  • Are you new to TOPCASED? Learn about its capabilities and how you can use it in your work or research.

TOPCASED experts will be present throughout the conference, giving overviews and tutorials about TOPCASED tools for newcomers, and providing feedback on the use of TOPCASED tools in both incubator and mature projects."

Concerning Gendoc2 it will be a great opportunity to show our work to TOPCASED/Eclipse community.

If you are interested in embedded software development/eclipse technologies or both I think you can be interested by this event at Toulouse the 2,3, and 4th february 2011. Of course I will be present, do you plan to come ?

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