12 nov. 2010

Gendoc2 is in the place

Gendoc2 is now available in Eclipse Market.
It's now very easy to install Gendoc2 from an Eclipse RCP.
From an Eclipse Helios Modeling, go to the Eclipse Market Place:

Search Gendoc2:

And it's okay you can install it !
You can choose to install Gendoc2 without TOPCASED.
If you want to install TOPCASED and use its different Modelers (UML/SysML/AADL...) please fill in these update sites before in your install configuration :

2 commentaires:

  1. Tristan, today, it doesn't work because URL doesn't respond : http://topcased-mm.gforge.enseeiht.fr/release/market-place/gendoc2/update-site/

  2. The server on which the update site relies on was on maintenance. The problem is now fixed.
