We are pleased to announce the new release of the Frama-C Development Tooling (FCDT) plug-in version v1.1.
The FCDT plug-in permits developers to use the static analysis tools provided by Frama-C from directly within the Eclipse framework.
This release, compatible with Eclipse Indigo (only), includes:
- A new call graph viewer
- A new editor for ACSL language integrated into comment area of the CDT editor
- Bug fixes
Tested platforms are Windows XP 32 and Linux.
It is available on:
Release contents:
- FCDT plug-in archive file http://gforge.enseeiht.fr/frs/download.php/3592/fcdt_v1.1.zip
- Installation and usage tutorial http://gforge.enseeiht.fr/frs/download.php/3651/Tutorial_V1.1.pdf
- Example archive file http://gforge.enseeiht.fr/frs/download.php/3597/fcdt_v1.1_example_files.zip
A build of Frama-C Nitrogen for Windows is also available on the fcdt web site.
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