TOPCASED 5.1.0 is now available. It is based on the latest Eclipse 3.7.1 platform (Indigo).TOPCASED has been release this is the official mail sent to the community:
"Dear TOPCASED users,
TOPCASED 5.1.0 is now available. It is based on the latest Eclipse 3.7 SR1 platform (Indigo).
Note: the official announce on website is not yet present ( will be available on Monday morning) but the “download” link already targets the 5.1.0 release.
Previous TOPCASED 5.0.0 release introduced integration of Eclipse MDT papyrus editors (UML&SysmL) but those editors were not mature.
There has been a lot of work done to fix all major issues and those editors can now be considered as “usable” in TOPCASED 5.1.0.
For any new project we recommend that you have a look at those editors as they provide strong ergonomics improvements (in reference to previous TOPCASED editors), a better support of UML& SysML specification and a very good support for profile customization.
For existing models, we recommend that you continue to use former UML and SysML TOPCASED editors as there is not yet automatic transformation between former graphical format and Papyrus one. This transformation is in progress and should be available in TOPCASED 5.2.0 (planned for January).
Note: You will find two different perspectives to distinguish former and new editors for UML and SysML.
You can download the RCP version, features and the release note at the following link : and the Linux
You can also install TOPCASED 5.1.0 from the update-site :
You can find more information on the official TOPCASED website:
A new section "Indicators" has been created to show statistics on some components.
Users support: Help is available through the 'Help > Help Contents' menu of TOPCASED. However if you have any questions, you can get support through the TOPCASED Users mailing list: To be able to use the mailing-list, don't forget to subscribe to it, first.
Developers support: You may find information on the dedicated developers page of the TOPCASED official website. If you have any questions, you can also use the TOPCASED developers mailing list and sending your questions to:
Report a bug: To report a bug against TOPCASED, create a new entry on our bug tracker. You need to be logged on the site to be able to create an entry. * Ask for a new feature To ask for a new feature on TOPCASED, create a new entry on our feature tracker. You need to be logged on the site to be able to create an entry.
TOPCASED Contact TOPCASED is a collaborative project: if you are interested in helping in some aspects of our technical roadmap (or in extending it), you may contact us at Your participation is welcome. Kind regards, The TOPCASED team"
TOPCASED 5.1.0 provides a lot of cool features, I will describe some of them bellow :
- Default documentation generation
If your model does not contain "Rich text" documentation you can right click on your model and generate the documentation
- Palette Customization (stereotype application for example)
This feature allows user to create elements with specific stereotype applied, or force the user to enter values at creation ...

- Requirement Traceability
Import requirements from documents and create Traceability link to UML or SysML editor

- Export all diagrams
Export all the diagrams contained in a model

- Advanced Label editors
label edition with auto completion for model elements (in the screenshot, properties)

for more information about these feature you can consult documents section in TOPCASED web site :