29 déc. 2011

Extract relevant elements from a diagram

I would like to introduce in this post a new feature which will be available in the next release of Gendoc2.
This feature makes possible to extract elements you desire in a diagram.

This example will generate a part of the UML Metamodel documentation.
The diagram realized with MDT Papyrus is presented bellow:
This diagram displays some information about Events, Activity Nodes and Operations. For the documentation we only want to display the elements linked to the Signal Event and the Call Event meta classes.

This is now possible using new methods in TOPCASED and GMF bundles.
This is the code to use in your gendoc2 template :

  1. The diagram is get using getPapyrusDiagrams() method
  2. A list of visibleElements is computed using a focused class (SignalEvent or Call Event)
    • [let visibleElements : Set(uml::Class) = Set{focus}->union(focus.superClass)->union(focus.superClass->closure(superClass)->union(focus.getAssociations().memberEnd->select(type <> focus).type->asSet()))]
  3. The list of visible elements is used by the getDiagram method
  4. Finally the elements visible in the diagram are listed and for each element the documentation is displayed
The result is visible bellow

29 nov. 2011

Open Tests : manage test campaigns inside Eclipse

Open Tests is an Open Source Test management application available from Eclipse or from a Web client.

Open Tests can provide the following services :
- write a test library
- reference requirements inside tests
- import requirements from TOPCASED Requirement format
- define test campaigns
- write test execution results
- access all data through customizable queries
- generate reports (Excel / PDF) all along the process

How to use OpenTests from Web client ?
see Video

How to use OpenTests inside Eclipse?
see Video

For more information about OpenTests :
see Open Tests tutorial or gPM Installer

Contacts : eclipseatos@gmail.com
or anne.haugommard@atos.net

18 nov. 2011

EclipseCon proposals

EclipseCon 2012 deadline is tonight, we have at Atos Toulouse submit 3 proposals presenting our different Eclipse activities.
These 3 proposals are a good summary of the Eclipse work of Atos Toulouse : focusing on embedded project lifecycle, our job is to give solutions and support to industrials in the descending and ascending phases.

17 oct. 2011

TOPCASED 5.1.0 available

TOPCASED 5.1.0 is now available. It is based on the latest Eclipse 3.7.1 platform (Indigo).

3 août 2011

TOPCASED 5.0.0 available

TOPCASED 5.0.0 is now available.
It is based on the latest Eclipse 3.7 platform (Indigo), and it is the first official TOPCASED version containing MDT Papyrus. For this integration all the TOPCASED components have been adapted to support MDT Papyrus, it is now possible with MDT Papyrus to :

  • generate documentation
  • create Requirement traceability
  • create Scripts for MDT Papyrus models

You can download the RCP version, features and the release note at the following link :

Windows, Linux and Mac OS versions are available

You can also install TOPCASED 5.0.0 from the update-site :

You can find more information on the official TOPCASED website :
A new section "Indicators" has been created to show statistics on some components.

  • Users support:
    Help is available through the 'Help > Help Contents' menu of TOPCASED.
    However if you have any questions, you can get support through the TOPCASED Users mailing list: topcased-users@lists.gforge.enseeiht.fr
    To be able to use the mailing-list, don't forget to subscribe to it, first.
  • Developers support:
    You may find information on the dedicated developers page of the TOPCASED official website.
    If you have any questions, you can also use the TOPCASED developers mailing list and sending your questions to: topcased-devel@lists.gforge.enseeiht.fr
  • Report a bug:
    To report a bug against TOPCASED, create a new entry on our bug tracker.
    You need to be logged on the site to be able to create an entry.
  • Ask for a new feature
    To ask for a new feature on TOPCASED, create a new entry on our feature tracker.
    You need to be logged on the site to be able to create an entry.
  • TOPCASED Contact
    TOPCASED is a collaborative project: if you are interested in helping in some aspects of our technical roadmap (or in extending it), you may contact us at topcased-contact@list.gforge.enseeiht.fr
    Your participation is welcome.

16 juin 2011

Gendoc2 : New attribute to simplify debug

Why adding new ID attribute?

With next version of Gendoc2 (TOPCASED 5.0.0, July 2011), you can add an “Id” into each gendoc tags as an attribute.

It identifies the tag in the document, and allows tracing an error on the tag where it is declared in order to makes debugging easier. It captures most of the errors that can occur in a script. The ID can trace the following errors:

  • Incomplete tags
  • Script error
  • Image not executed
  • Configuration error

How to use ids?

The ID is used by writing the keywordid” that assigns a string (of course between simple quotes) like this: <gendoc id='my id' >...</gendoc>
If during generation an error is found in one tag, its id will appear in the details of the warning message. Here are some screenshots to explain this:

The resulting error message allows to identify exactly which tag is in error:

10 juin 2011

Short Presentation

I am Malick Wade, a junior software engineer at Atos Origin. I work on the Eclipse platform Topcased.
do for my internship some developments on Gendoc2.

17 févr. 2011

New version of Gendoc2 is available

Gendoc2 news

Gendoc2 has been presented during the TOPCASED Days.
Presentation is available here

v1.3.0 available
New version of Gendoc2 is available :

What's new in v1.3.0 ?
This version includes a new external bundle for usage with Papyrus models.