1 juil. 2010

Short Presentation

I am Emilien Perico, software engineer at Atos Origin, working for 3 years with Eclipse platform and modeling technologies such as UML2, GEF and GMF and model transformation tools.

I am a committer on TOPCASED project, has been in charge of the platform build and packaging. I also worked on projects about UML editors, tests generation and document generation.

I am now a committer on the Eclipse MDT Papyrus project, working on use case diagram, collaborative work and profile diagram capabilities.

Short Presentation


I am Thibault Landré, a software engineer at Atos Origin. I am working on Eclipse, mainly on modeling.

I am currently commiter on the MDT Papyrus project and TOPCASED Platform

Short presentation

I'm Tristan FAURE, Iam a software engineer at Atos Origin. Working for 3 years with Eclipse Technology and modelling (EMF, UML,...).
I am also an EMF, OCL and ATL consultant.

Commiter for MDT Papyrus, Doc2model and EMF Search eclipse project, I am also a Commiter and technical manager for TOPCASED open source project, I made also training about TOPCASED platform for international Atos Origin teams.

Short presentation

I am Vincent Hémery.
I have worked on Papyrus, mainly on the Activity diagram, and on the Sequence diagram.